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深圳查特豪斯书院:暑假建议 & 校长推荐书单

来源:深圳查特豪斯书院 发布时间:2021-08-21

深圳查特豪斯书院:暑假建议 & 校长推荐书单



  It’s summertime and school’s out! Or not. With urbanisation, and the shift to the norm of the nuclear family with both parents working, the days of long summers spent on unstructured play, helping round the house, lazy conversations with neighbourhood friends, and daydreaming, are over. Replaced by summer camps and summer schools and structured activities and STEM and English and Maths Olympics and Soccer coaching and whatever else can be provided, for a fee, to the anxious parents who need somewhere to put their children while they go and earn the money to pay for it all.

  Which is a shame. Because of course unstructured play, helping around the home, and long lazy conversations with neighbourhood friends is exactly how children and young people should be spending their time. It is in unstructured play that creativity and imagination, problem-solving abilities, and social skills are developed. Sometimes, oddly, known as ‘21st Century Skills’, these are the timeless human qualities that support a life lived well.



  朋辈间玩耍不仅培养学生的综合能力,还涉及大量的体育运动,从而有效地锻炼身体。而关于暑假培训活动,Daniel Lieberman在他新出版的书籍中指出,等待击球、听教练讲理论、轮流模拟动作等收费活动中的培训内容其实都不属于体育锻炼。







  Play Freely

  This is not to mention the greater physical activity that takes place when children play freely. As Daniel Lieberman has noted in his recent book, ‘Exercised’, the amount of time that children spend inactively when in organised school or club sports: waiting to bat, listening to coaches, taking turns to perform a drill, and so on, means that they aren’t exercising anything like as much as we might think.

  Help Around Home

  Which is not to say that it should all be play. Children should be helping round the home. This is how to learn a sense of responsibility, to develop feelings of purpose and accomplishment, to understand what it means to work and to complete a task, to develop their fine motor abilities, to learn empathy, and to gain an appreciation of the contribution that others make. And to learn some useful skills. Far too many young people arrive at college these days without the first idea of how to look after themselves.

  Lazy Conversation

  For older children, unstructured play may be more likely to take the form of lazy conversations: just ‘hanging out’ What can seem to adults like pointless time-wasting can be some deeply precious hours spent learning about relationships, developing personal identities, exploring ideas, building interpersonal skills, and negotiating boundaries. The parent who interrupts two teenagers who are just chatting may be interfering with some important developmental activity.


  And we haven’t even mentioned the importance of daydreaming. Daydreaming is characteristic of higher brain function. But it needs time and space to be allowed to happen. Lying back and gazing at the clouds has been replaced by a daily schedule, blocked out in ten-minute segments, for structured activities, too many of them in the name of education. If we want our children to think, to have ideas, and to live rich lives of the mind, we have to give them some time and space to allow this to happen.



  Let us try, where we can, to remember the value of some time spent just playing, helping the family with chores, chatting with friends, and daydreaming.

  Finally, please kindly find the reading list recommended by Headteacher of Charterhouse College Shenzhen. Wish all of you have a happy and fulfilling summer holiday!


  We would like to invite you to attend Open Day of Charterhouse Shenzhen



  14th August, 2021 (Saturday)




  It’s summertime and school’s out! Or not. With urbanisation, and the shift to the norm of the nuclear family with both parents working, the days of long summers spent on unstructured play, helping round the house, lazy conversations with neighbourhood friends, and daydreaming, are over. Replaced by summer camps and summer schools and structured activities and STEM and English and Maths Olympics and Soccer coaching and whatever else can be provided, for a fee, to the anxious parents who need somewhere to put their children while they go and earn the money to pay for it all.

  Which is a shame. Because of course unstructured play, helping around the home, and long lazy conversations with neighbourhood friends is exactly how children and young people should be spending their time. It is in unstructured play that creativity and imagination, problem-solving abilities, and social skills are developed. Sometimes, oddly, known as ‘21st Century Skills’, these are the timeless human qualities that support a life lived well.



  朋辈间玩耍不仅培养学生的综合能力,还涉及大量的体育运动,从而有效地锻炼身体。而关于暑假培训活动,Daniel Lieberman在他新出版的书籍中指出,等待击球、听教练讲理论、轮流模拟动作等收费活动中的培训内容其实都不属于体育锻炼。







  Play Freely

  This is not to mention the greater physical activity that takes place when children play freely. As Daniel Lieberman has noted in his recent book, ‘Exercised’, the amount of time that children spend inactively when in organised school or club sports: waiting to bat, listening to coaches, taking turns to perform a drill, and so on, means that they aren’t exercising anything like as much as we might think.

  Help Around Home

  Which is not to say that it should all be play. Children should be helping round the home. This is how to learn a sense of responsibility, to develop feelings of purpose and accomplishment, to understand what it means to work and to complete a task, to develop their fine motor abilities, to learn empathy, and to gain an appreciation of the contribution that others make. And to learn some useful skills. Far too many young people arrive at college these days without the first idea of how to look after themselves.

  Lazy Conversation

  For older children, unstructured play may be more likely to take the form of lazy conversations: just ‘hanging out’ What can seem to adults like pointless time-wasting can be some deeply precious hours spent learning about relationships, developing personal identities, exploring ideas, building interpersonal skills, and negotiating boundaries. The parent who interrupts two teenagers who are just chatting may be interfering with some important developmental activity.


  And we haven’t even mentioned the importance of daydreaming. Daydreaming is characteristic of higher brain function. But it needs time and space to be allowed to happen. Lying back and gazing at the clouds has been replaced by a daily schedule, blocked out in ten-minute segments, for structured activities, too many of them in the name of education. If we want our children to think, to have ideas, and to live rich lives of the mind, we have to give them some time and space to allow this to happen.



  Let us try, where we can, to remember the value of some time spent just playing, helping the family with chores, chatting with friends, and daydreaming.

  Finally, please kindly find the reading list recommended by Headteacher of Charterhouse College Shenzhen. Wish all of you have a happy and fulfilling summer holiday!


  We would like to invite you to attend Open Day of Charterhouse Shenzhen



  14th August, 2021 (Saturday)


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上一篇:常州威雅学校招生简章及入学测试要求汇总! 下一篇:天津格瑞思学校校园活动

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