首页 > 长郡中学 > 新闻动态 > 马拉松社活动

来源:长郡中学 发布时间:2021-08-13



  With gentle breezing wind , it is such a wonderful time for outdoor running . The Changjun International Department Marathon club seized this great opportunity and organized a parent-child associated morning jogging , under the leading of Miss Song who is the professional runner in international department . We came to XiHu Park to start this wonderful journey .


  Our club members arrived around 6 : 30 in the morning gradually. After changing the running suit and warming up , it was time to start .


  During the journey of life , we are always running toward our ultimate goals , no stop . What makes life meaningful is to run and enjoy the scenery along the way , to reach the distant destination and to achieve the goal in your heart . Let's bloom our lives together and run on the road without regret .


  How can a good activity be set off without delicious food ? After the morning running along the XiHu park, it was time to relax. As the saying goes: If you do not eat noodles for breakfast , you are not from Changsha .Miss Song, the “real gastronome”, led us through the streets to find the most authentic snacks in Changsha. This restaurant is the shooting place for 《Breakfast in China》, which Miss Song has already recommended to us before . The restaurant is famous for its pork noodle. Because of its renowned pork noodle, it has become the “well-known noodle eating place ” in changsha people's mind . Even if it is hidden in the street , there are still a lot of consumers attracted to this place .


  Do you want to join the trip which perfectly combines sports and food ? Then join us next Sunday morning running plan in Martyrs park and visit 100 years steamed stuffed bun store ! It is said that next week, Miss Song plans to invite Mr. Gong Yunfeng , the only winner of the world's six marathon grand slams from Hunan, to be our team coach . It's a rare opportunity ,so hurry up to join our marathon team !



  With gentle breezing wind , it is such a wonderful time for outdoor running . The Changjun International Department Marathon club seized this great opportunity and organized a parent-child associated morning jogging , under the leading of Miss Song who is the professional runner in international department . We came to XiHu Park to start this wonderful journey .


  Our club members arrived around 6 : 30 in the morning gradually. After changing the running suit and warming up , it was time to start .


  During the journey of life , we are always running toward our ultimate goals , no stop . What makes life meaningful is to run and enjoy the scenery along the way , to reach the distant destination and to achieve the goal in your heart . Let's bloom our lives together and run on the road without regret .


  How can a good activity be set off without delicious food ? After the morning running along the XiHu park, it was time to relax. As the saying goes: If you do not eat noodles for breakfast , you are not from Changsha .Miss Song, the “real gastronome”, led us through the streets to find the most authentic snacks in Changsha. This restaurant is the shooting place for 《Breakfast in China》, which Miss Song has already recommended to us before . The restaurant is famous for its pork noodle. Because of its renowned pork noodle, it has become the “well-known noodle eating place ” in changsha people's mind . Even if it is hidden in the street , there are still a lot of consumers attracted to this place .


  Do you want to join the trip which perfectly combines sports and food ? Then join us next Sunday morning running plan in Martyrs park and visit 100 years steamed stuffed bun store ! It is said that next week, Miss Song plans to invite Mr. Gong Yunfeng , the only winner of the world's six marathon grand slams from Hunan, to be our team coach . It's a rare opportunity ,so hurry up to join our marathon team !


文章类别:首页 > 长郡中学 > 新闻动态


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