首页 > 上海融育国际学校

上海融育学校,坐落于上海市浦东新区观海路331号,占地70多亩,教学用地40000多平方米,由知名国际教育机构温哥华公立教育联盟(Vancouver Public Education Alliance)联合美国俄勒冈圣玛丽高中(St Mary’s School, Oregon, USA)、加拿大BC省Kamloops公立教育局(Public Education Bureau, British Columbia, CAN),共同打造的一所中西融合的国际学校,实行最前沿的4.0版本国际课程。

六大优势: 1:5的师生比,真正做到以学生为中心的个性化教育,外教比例达40%,教师硕士研究生学历以上者占80%; 给每位学生制定完整的高中生涯教育方案,帮助每位学生梳理清晰的未来发展的目标;“爬藤计划”助力优秀学子实现更高目标; 通过最前沿的基于项目式学习的STEAM课程来培养学生的创造力; 24小时半封闭管理,严格管理的同时也给学生丰富多彩的课外活动; 美加和英国本土教材,过程性评价,轻松获取国外高中文凭,更高海外大学录取率; 重“成长性”思维的培养——帮助学生养成坚毅品质和自信心

Shanghai Honor School, located at No. 331 Guanhai Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, covers an area of more than 70 mu and has a teaching area of more than 40,000 square meters. It’s an international school jointly organized by the well-known Shanghai Education Group, Vancouver Public Education Alliance, St. Mary’s School in the USA, and BC Provincial Public Education Bureau in Canada, with the 4.0 edition of the integrated Chinese and Western advanced curriculums.

Six advantages: teacher-student ratio is 1:5; student-centered personalized education; international teachers account for 40%, teachers with master’s degree account for 80%; Make a complete career education plan for every student in senior high school; help each student to achieve their future development goals; “follow up an Ivy League prep plan” help excellent students achieve higher goals; develop students' creativity through cutting-edge STEAM course based on project-based learning; 24 hours semi-closed and strict management but give students colorful extracurricular activities; American, Canadian and British native textbooks, process evaluation, easy access to foreign high school diploma, higher admission rate of overseas universities; emphasis on the cultivation of "growth" thinking to help students develop perseverance and confidence