首页 > 深圳查特豪斯书院 > 新闻动态 > Scholarship

来源:深圳查特豪斯书院 发布时间:2021-08-21



  Through a 400-year-old history of promoting and providing academic excellence, Charterhouse has been a leading figure in establishing and developing the scholarship system. Charterhouse College, Shenzhen, is proud to continue that tradition. The Foundation Scholarships are generous, and are awarded at several different levels, ranging from 20% to 100% of the school fees.


  Scholarship History:

  There is a long tradition in the leading, British-curriculum private schools of giving generous Scholarship Awards. In 1611, Charterhouse was founded to give ‘40 poor scholars’ a better chance in life through a first-class education.

  Part 1






  Application Criteria

  The Academic Scholars at Charterhouse are known as Foundation Scholars. They set a positive example to the academic life of the School through their enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity and drive. The Foundation Scholarships are generous, and are awarded at several different levels, ranging from 20% to 100% of the school fees.

  Scholarship Applicant Criteria:

  The Foundation Scholarships are offered each year to those prospective students who exhibit a high level of academic attainment and intellectual curiosity in Charterhouse’s entry assessment and interview process.

  Scholars are expected to demonstrate academic strength, intellectual curiosity and the drive to excel throughout their time at the College.

  Part 2



  #1英语水平测试:采用牛津线上分级测试(Oxford Placement test),此测试是牛津大学测试英文水平的专业权威在线评测系统。试题会根据学生的回答正确率自动调整难易度,测试结果根据欧洲共同语言参考标准(CEFR)可靠地反映学生的英语水平。此测试的评估时间为80分钟。



  * 奖学金会授予具有卓越学术能力的学生,这意味着每年颁发的奖学金数量可能会有所不同。

  Scholarship Assessment

  The traditional format in Charterhouse examinations is to require students to answer compulsory questions in Mathematics, English and Science, and then provide students with a set of optional sections that enable students to showcase other talents, whatever their educational background. Charterhouse College, Shenzhen, follows this format. Our Scholarship assessment process comprises two tests and one interview:

  #1A test of English level. This is currently the Oxford Placement test, a reliable online test set by Oxford University to establish levels of English. The questions adjust automatically according to the student’s answers, and the test result gives a reliable indication of the student’s English level according to the Common European framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This test typically takes 80 minutes to complete.

  #2The General Ability Test. The Charterhouse College Entrance Assessment and Scholarship Paper, known as ‘General Ability Test', is a two-hour test of general ability. There are challenging maths and science questions, followed by several sections where students can choose between a range of subjects. The test is not one of knowledge, but of ability to think beyond what most people can see. Candidates should not expect to score highly on this test. The general ability test is marked out of 80.

  #3Family Interview. Potential scholars are interviewed independently and then with their family. Following the Family Interview, parents will be informed within one week if their son or daughter is eligible for a Scholarship Award.

  * Foundations Scholarships are awarded for a level of academic excellence. This means that the number of scholarships awarded may vary from year to year.



  Through a 400-year-old history of promoting and providing academic excellence, Charterhouse has been a leading figure in establishing and developing the scholarship system. Charterhouse College, Shenzhen, is proud to continue that tradition. The Foundation Scholarships are generous, and are awarded at several different levels, ranging from 20% to 100% of the school fees.


  Scholarship History:

  There is a long tradition in the leading, British-curriculum private schools of giving generous Scholarship Awards. In 1611, Charterhouse was founded to give ‘40 poor scholars’ a better chance in life through a first-class education.

  Part 1






  Application Criteria

  The Academic Scholars at Charterhouse are known as Foundation Scholars. They set a positive example to the academic life of the School through their enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity and drive. The Foundation Scholarships are generous, and are awarded at several different levels, ranging from 20% to 100% of the school fees.

  Scholarship Applicant Criteria:

  The Foundation Scholarships are offered each year to those prospective students who exhibit a high level of academic attainment and intellectual curiosity in Charterhouse’s entry assessment and interview process.

  Scholars are expected to demonstrate academic strength, intellectual curiosity and the drive to excel throughout their time at the College.

  Part 2



  #1英语水平测试:采用牛津线上分级测试(Oxford Placement test),此测试是牛津大学测试英文水平的专业权威在线评测系统。试题会根据学生的回答正确率自动调整难易度,测试结果根据欧洲共同语言参考标准(CEFR)可靠地反映学生的英语水平。此测试的评估时间为80分钟。



  * 奖学金会授予具有卓越学术能力的学生,这意味着每年颁发的奖学金数量可能会有所不同。

  Scholarship Assessment

  The traditional format in Charterhouse examinations is to require students to answer compulsory questions in Mathematics, English and Science, and then provide students with a set of optional sections that enable students to showcase other talents, whatever their educational background. Charterhouse College, Shenzhen, follows this format. Our Scholarship assessment process comprises two tests and one interview:

  #1A test of English level. This is currently the Oxford Placement test, a reliable online test set by Oxford University to establish levels of English. The questions adjust automatically according to the student’s answers, and the test result gives a reliable indication of the student’s English level according to the Common European framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This test typically takes 80 minutes to complete.

  #2The General Ability Test. The Charterhouse College Entrance Assessment and Scholarship Paper, known as ‘General Ability Test', is a two-hour test of general ability. There are challenging maths and science questions, followed by several sections where students can choose between a range of subjects. The test is not one of knowledge, but of ability to think beyond what most people can see. Candidates should not expect to score highly on this test. The general ability test is marked out of 80.

  #3Family Interview. Potential scholars are interviewed independently and then with their family. Following the Family Interview, parents will be informed within one week if their son or daughter is eligible for a Scholarship Award.

  * Foundations Scholarships are awarded for a level of academic excellence. This means that the number of scholarships awarded may vary from year to year.


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