首页 > 三亚外国语学校(SLS) > 新闻动态 > EARTH DAY

来源:三亚外国语学校(SLS) 发布时间:2021-08-13


  This year at SLS and TIS, we celebrated Earth Day with a 3-day school-wide event. Earth Day first began 51 years ago to raise awareness and inspire action towards protecting our Earth. This year, we continued that goal by learning about and acting to better care for and protect our planet.


  Discovery during exploration.


  DAY 1

  We began our event on Wednesday, 21st April, with various tuning-in activities that introduced Earth Day and why it is so important to protect our planet. We had discussions about the Earth, pollution, our local environment, and more. “Why is the Earth green?” Why is the sky blue?”Students were concerned about the large amounts of plastic on our local beaches and began inquiring into ways they could help solve this problem.“Where does the plastic come from?” “How did it end up on the beach? “If we clean the beach, where can we put the trash?”









  Our canteen baked Earth cookies for students for the afternoon snack to incite interest。


  DAY 2

  For the second day of our event, the school was buzzing with excitement! We noticed some changes to the school: Earth Day posters were displayed around campus, and the courtyard contained many planter boxes, soil, and different types of plants. Our curiosity led us to read the different posters created by our schoolmates. We asked questions about the new planter boxes, such as, “Where can we put the plants?” “Does each class get one?” “Can we keep it here for a long time?” “How much water does it need?”







  After lunch, the planting began! Each class found their planter box and plants, and we worked together as a team to fill our planter boxes first with soil, then with our plants. “What type of insect is this?” “I hope it makes a home in our planter box.”






  In addition to our school-wide planter box activity, different classes also continued their investigation of Earth Day in various ways. Some classes went outside, hunting around the school for different plants, bugs, and other things found in nature. Other classes created Earth Day posters, explaining what we should and shouldn’t do to help and protect our Earth.“For my recycled art, I want to make a recycling bin! If someone litters, I can tell them to throw the trash in the trash can.” “I want to put my Earth Day poster in the kindergarten so that my little brother can learn, too!” “Can I take my bag on the scavenger hunt? If I see trash, I can pick it up!”




  “我想把世界地球日海报放在幼儿园,这样我的小弟弟也可以学习!” “我可以随身携带袋子吗?如果看到垃圾,可以捡起来!”

  DAY 3

  The third and final day of our Earth Day event continued with more inquiries and findings. Students queried about how our school can help the planet, “It would be good if we can use recyclable bags to hold our snacks.”

  Each class visited our Earth Day mural to read and promise to follow our Earth Day pledge: “I pledge to do my part to protect our Earth, I will Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to make every day Earth Day. I care about our planet today, and I can make a difference for tomorrow.” We signed our names on the mural pledging to protect our Earth today and every day.




  Ms. Zoe from the Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Association came to talk to us about what amazing things are being done right here in Sanya and what we can do to help. We learned about some of the amazing animals that were rescued near our school, such as sea turtles and porpoises.

  We also continued to discuss the importance of our Earth. We put the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle into action by bringing in recyclable items from home and using them to create art. Students brainstormed and formed ideas,"I'll use recycled items to make lost and found boxes at home." "We can reuse things and make many new things."We also performed various science experiments about forms of renewable energy. Students concluded, "It is better to use renewable energy resources as it creates less pollution."

  Other students learned more about our local community: the ocean, coral reef, and mangrove forests in Hainan island, and the many animals that call these places their home.






  As our Earth Day event came to a close, we reflected upon all that we had learned. We have become more aware and informed about our Earth, and our action is just beginning. We know that Earth Day should not only be celebrated from April 21st – 23rd but every day! We can continue to teach others about our planet, and we can continue to care for the Earth and do our part to make our difference for the future.





  This year at SLS and TIS, we celebrated Earth Day with a 3-day school-wide event. Earth Day first began 51 years ago to raise awareness and inspire action towards protecting our Earth. This year, we continued that goal by learning about and acting to better care for and protect our planet.


  Discovery during exploration.


  DAY 1

  We began our event on Wednesday, 21st April, with various tuning-in activities that introduced Earth Day and why it is so important to protect our planet. We had discussions about the Earth, pollution, our local environment, and more. “Why is the Earth green?” Why is the sky blue?”Students were concerned about the large amounts of plastic on our local beaches and began inquiring into ways they could help solve this problem.“Where does the plastic come from?” “How did it end up on the beach? “If we clean the beach, where can we put the trash?”









  Our canteen baked Earth cookies for students for the afternoon snack to incite interest。


  DAY 2

  For the second day of our event, the school was buzzing with excitement! We noticed some changes to the school: Earth Day posters were displayed around campus, and the courtyard contained many planter boxes, soil, and different types of plants. Our curiosity led us to read the different posters created by our schoolmates. We asked questions about the new planter boxes, such as, “Where can we put the plants?” “Does each class get one?” “Can we keep it here for a long time?” “How much water does it need?”







  After lunch, the planting began! Each class found their planter box and plants, and we worked together as a team to fill our planter boxes first with soil, then with our plants. “What type of insect is this?” “I hope it makes a home in our planter box.”






  In addition to our school-wide planter box activity, different classes also continued their investigation of Earth Day in various ways. Some classes went outside, hunting around the school for different plants, bugs, and other things found in nature. Other classes created Earth Day posters, explaining what we should and shouldn’t do to help and protect our Earth.“For my recycled art, I want to make a recycling bin! If someone litters, I can tell them to throw the trash in the trash can.” “I want to put my Earth Day poster in the kindergarten so that my little brother can learn, too!” “Can I take my bag on the scavenger hunt? If I see trash, I can pick it up!”




  “我想把世界地球日海报放在幼儿园,这样我的小弟弟也可以学习!” “我可以随身携带袋子吗?如果看到垃圾,可以捡起来!”

  DAY 3

  The third and final day of our Earth Day event continued with more inquiries and findings. Students queried about how our school can help the planet, “It would be good if we can use recyclable bags to hold our snacks.”

  Each class visited our Earth Day mural to read and promise to follow our Earth Day pledge: “I pledge to do my part to protect our Earth, I will Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to make every day Earth Day. I care about our planet today, and I can make a difference for tomorrow.” We signed our names on the mural pledging to protect our Earth today and every day.




  Ms. Zoe from the Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Association came to talk to us about what amazing things are being done right here in Sanya and what we can do to help. We learned about some of the amazing animals that were rescued near our school, such as sea turtles and porpoises.

  We also continued to discuss the importance of our Earth. We put the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle into action by bringing in recyclable items from home and using them to create art. Students brainstormed and formed ideas,"I'll use recycled items to make lost and found boxes at home." "We can reuse things and make many new things."We also performed various science experiments about forms of renewable energy. Students concluded, "It is better to use renewable energy resources as it creates less pollution."

  Other students learned more about our local community: the ocean, coral reef, and mangrove forests in Hainan island, and the many animals that call these places their home.






  As our Earth Day event came to a close, we reflected upon all that we had learned. We have become more aware and informed about our Earth, and our action is just beginning. We know that Earth Day should not only be celebrated from April 21st – 23rd but every day! We can continue to teach others about our planet, and we can continue to care for the Earth and do our part to make our difference for the future.





文章类别:首页 > 三亚外国语学校(SLS) > 新闻动态


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