首页 > 镇江枫叶国际学校 > 新闻动态 > 艺术点亮人生,英语成就梦想 ——第七届英语艺术节闭幕式暨小导游英语演讲比赛
艺术点亮人生,英语成就梦想 ——第七届英语艺术节闭幕式暨小导游英语演讲比赛

来源:镇江枫叶国际学校 发布时间:2021-08-31

艺术点亮人生,英语成就梦想 ——第七届英语艺术节闭幕式暨小导游英语演讲比赛

  六月中旬,正是江南的梅雨季节。18日下午,伴着淅淅沥沥的雨声,第七届英语艺术节闭幕式暨我是小导游英语演讲比赛正式落下帷幕。The middle of June is the plum rain season in the south of the Yangtze River. The afternoon of the 18th, with the Patter of rain, the 7th EAF closing ceremony and speech contest---“I am a tour guide” has officially come to an end.

  此次演讲比赛分为两场进行,17日下午是小学场,参赛选手和观众们纷纷在操场集合,出席小学场的评委有:英语中心商云菲主任,英语中心董莉主任,孙珠珲老师,Mr Bob,Mrs. M, Mr. Jt。现场预热环节,选手们和外教老师一起走秀,选手们身上的服装分别代表着不同的国家,以国家为主题进行诠释,韵味浓浓,创意无限,所有人欣赏了一场精彩的时装盛宴。随后,选手们穿着自己的特色服装依次进行了演讲,在等待成绩的时候,大家一起欣赏了优秀的配音作品。This speech contest was divided into two matches. On the 17th, is for primary school, The contestants and spectators gathered on the playground. For warming up, the contestants are walking with their foreign teachers. The costumes represent different countries. The interpretation of the theme of the country is full of charm and creativity. All of us enjoy a wonderful fashion shows. The contestants made speeches one by one in their distinctive costumes. While waiting for the result, we enjoyed the excellent dubbing work together.

  颁奖环节,首先颁发的是英语单词拼写接力赛获奖班级,由外教Ms. M和Mr. Jt为获奖班级颁奖,随后便是演讲比赛获奖选手,三等奖同学为马浩洋,孙晨希,盛墨焱,姚铭俊,缪童柯萱,王怡然,孟迪同学。二等奖亚军获得者是尹启涵,王颂卿同学,冠军的得主是二年级的陈曲晗小朋友。恭喜以上同学们。First of all, we present the winning classes of English Running dictation. Ms. Candy to announce the winning class list. Ms. M and Mr Jt to present prizes to the winning class. Next, we present the third place of speech contest. Mr. Jack and Ms. Candy to present prizes for Hawyarn, Milly, Max, Jimmy, Angela, Sunny and Mandy. Then, we present the second place of speech contest. Mr. Bob to present prizes for Wilson and Mark. Last, for the champion, Ms. May to present prizes for Sissi.

  18日是初高场,本次英语艺术节系列活动的照片、视频不断滚动播放。下午3点半,外教和决赛选手首先登上舞台,他们动感十足的走秀,赢得了阵阵喝彩。随后,选手们有的声情并茂、慷慨激昂,有的娓娓道来、温暖感人,同学们听得入神,老师们也连连称赞。在优秀配音作品展示环节,师生们再次感受到了语言的魅力和小选手们的才华。On the 18th, is for middle school and high school, at the closing ceremony, the photos and videos that were taken for the English Arts Festival keep scrolling. The contestants spoke in turn. Some students are eloquent and impassioned, others are warm and moving. The students listened attentively and the teachers also repeatedly praised. At the great dubbing showcase, teachers and students once again feel the charm of language and the talent of young players.

  本次英语艺术节老师们也积极参与,鼓励全校同学讲英语,参与配音等各项活动中去。初高组的获奖选手如下:刘铭栋,韦娜,陈宸,李逸芝,曹博然,汤雅婷,常康提等同学获得三等奖,潘雷欧,吴柯含同学获得二等奖,陈思彤同学获得一等奖。The best part is the awards. We present the awards for speech contest. The third place goes to Jerry, Rowena, William, Rita, Loki, Terasa and Kandy. The Second place goes to Barbie and Leo. The champion is for Sophia.

  本次艺术节闭幕式从中英文主持稿撰写、主持人培训,到走秀排练、PPT制作等环节,大家都做了认真细致的准备,从而确保了活动的顺利开展。英语艺术节不仅丰富了同学们的校园文化生活,也提升了同学们的文化素养。本学期虽然英语艺术节的帷幕即将落下,但是英语学习的历程才刚刚开始,让我们全校师生努力营造校园英语氛围,让英语成为真正交流的纽带。The closing ceremony of the 7th English Arts festival is a great success. The ESL teachers do a lot of preparations to ensure the smooth operation of the event,

  This English Art Festival has enriched the campus cultural life of students and improved their cultural quality. Although the Curtain of the English Culture Festival is about to come to an end, the process of English learning has just begun. Let our teachers and students work hard to create an English atmosphere on campus, so that English can become a real link of communication.


  六月中旬,正是江南的梅雨季节。18日下午,伴着淅淅沥沥的雨声,第七届英语艺术节闭幕式暨我是小导游英语演讲比赛正式落下帷幕。The middle of June is the plum rain season in the south of the Yangtze River. The afternoon of the 18th, with the Patter of rain, the 7th EAF closing ceremony and speech contest---“I am a tour guide” has officially come to an end.

  此次演讲比赛分为两场进行,17日下午是小学场,参赛选手和观众们纷纷在操场集合,出席小学场的评委有:英语中心商云菲主任,英语中心董莉主任,孙珠珲老师,Mr Bob,Mrs. M, Mr. Jt。现场预热环节,选手们和外教老师一起走秀,选手们身上的服装分别代表着不同的国家,以国家为主题进行诠释,韵味浓浓,创意无限,所有人欣赏了一场精彩的时装盛宴。随后,选手们穿着自己的特色服装依次进行了演讲,在等待成绩的时候,大家一起欣赏了优秀的配音作品。This speech contest was divided into two matches. On the 17th, is for primary school, The contestants and spectators gathered on the playground. For warming up, the contestants are walking with their foreign teachers. The costumes represent different countries. The interpretation of the theme of the country is full of charm and creativity. All of us enjoy a wonderful fashion shows. The contestants made speeches one by one in their distinctive costumes. While waiting for the result, we enjoyed the excellent dubbing work together.

  颁奖环节,首先颁发的是英语单词拼写接力赛获奖班级,由外教Ms. M和Mr. Jt为获奖班级颁奖,随后便是演讲比赛获奖选手,三等奖同学为马浩洋,孙晨希,盛墨焱,姚铭俊,缪童柯萱,王怡然,孟迪同学。二等奖亚军获得者是尹启涵,王颂卿同学,冠军的得主是二年级的陈曲晗小朋友。恭喜以上同学们。First of all, we present the winning classes of English Running dictation. Ms. Candy to announce the winning class list. Ms. M and Mr Jt to present prizes to the winning class. Next, we present the third place of speech contest. Mr. Jack and Ms. Candy to present prizes for Hawyarn, Milly, Max, Jimmy, Angela, Sunny and Mandy. Then, we present the second place of speech contest. Mr. Bob to present prizes for Wilson and Mark. Last, for the champion, Ms. May to present prizes for Sissi.

  18日是初高场,本次英语艺术节系列活动的照片、视频不断滚动播放。下午3点半,外教和决赛选手首先登上舞台,他们动感十足的走秀,赢得了阵阵喝彩。随后,选手们有的声情并茂、慷慨激昂,有的娓娓道来、温暖感人,同学们听得入神,老师们也连连称赞。在优秀配音作品展示环节,师生们再次感受到了语言的魅力和小选手们的才华。On the 18th, is for middle school and high school, at the closing ceremony, the photos and videos that were taken for the English Arts Festival keep scrolling. The contestants spoke in turn. Some students are eloquent and impassioned, others are warm and moving. The students listened attentively and the teachers also repeatedly praised. At the great dubbing showcase, teachers and students once again feel the charm of language and the talent of young players.

  本次英语艺术节老师们也积极参与,鼓励全校同学讲英语,参与配音等各项活动中去。初高组的获奖选手如下:刘铭栋,韦娜,陈宸,李逸芝,曹博然,汤雅婷,常康提等同学获得三等奖,潘雷欧,吴柯含同学获得二等奖,陈思彤同学获得一等奖。The best part is the awards. We present the awards for speech contest. The third place goes to Jerry, Rowena, William, Rita, Loki, Terasa and Kandy. The Second place goes to Barbie and Leo. The champion is for Sophia.

  本次艺术节闭幕式从中英文主持稿撰写、主持人培训,到走秀排练、PPT制作等环节,大家都做了认真细致的准备,从而确保了活动的顺利开展。英语艺术节不仅丰富了同学们的校园文化生活,也提升了同学们的文化素养。本学期虽然英语艺术节的帷幕即将落下,但是英语学习的历程才刚刚开始,让我们全校师生努力营造校园英语氛围,让英语成为真正交流的纽带。The closing ceremony of the 7th English Arts festival is a great success. The ESL teachers do a lot of preparations to ensure the smooth operation of the event,

  This English Art Festival has enriched the campus cultural life of students and improved their cultural quality. Although the Curtain of the English Culture Festival is about to come to an end, the process of English learning has just begun. Let our teachers and students work hard to create an English atmosphere on campus, so that English can become a real link of communication.


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