首页 > 镇江枫叶国际学校 > 新闻动态 > 且听枫吟 静待枫起 ——记镇江枫叶国际学校第七届高中毕业典礼暨成人礼
且听枫吟 静待枫起 ——记镇江枫叶国际学校第七届高中毕业典礼暨成人礼

来源:镇江枫叶国际学校 发布时间:2021-08-31

且听枫吟 静待枫起 ——记镇江枫叶国际学校第七届高中毕业典礼暨成人礼


  Although the coronavirus has an influence on students, the 7th graduation ceremony of MLIS-Zhenjiang is held as scheduled in the school gym, which is important to all the Grade 12 students.


  By June 2nd, 2020, our graduates have received a total of 743 admission letters and 439,000 RMB of scholarship, including 496 letters from the top 100 universities. And there are also 4 graduates who are admitted to 6 top 10 universities in the world.


  There are parents and leaders from the department of education, management committee, social development, and the other schools all coming to share this moment in this meaningful ceremony.


  The ceremony is divided into 3 parts.

  高三毕业生在全场的注目与掌声中,井然有序的进入了会场,展现了枫叶学子的精神面貌。随后,镇江校区总校长周保民先生及加方课程校长Jonathan Hodgson先生为典礼致辞,为毕业生们送上了真挚的祝福和美好的祝愿。

  At first, all the high school graduates came to the stage with the attention and applause from audiences, which showed the Maple Leaf Spirit. And then, headmaster Mr.Zhou and BC principal Mr. Jonathan give us the opening speeches.


  When they accepted the graduation certificate, there was warm applause all around the gym. It is believed that they will make higher achievements in the future. Then, both the principal of Chinese Program and the general counselor announced the excellent gradations name list of Maple Leaf 2020 and gave them awards. There were 10 students in Zhenjiang campus who got the “ Excellent Graduation”.


  The graduations prepared an extremely meaningful present to Zhenjiang maple leaf. And our teachers also expressed our expectations to them. Sometimes the parents cannot notice children’s growth, so in the ceremony, there was also a video prepared for them to watch.


  Next, the representative of the parents also expressed the blessings for their children’s achievement, the gratitude for the school, as well as their great honor for choosing maple leaf. This ceremony can be a promise to ourselves and a reward to parents.


  The maple leafers will come out of school with their dreams, and improve that they have the courage to create miracles. They will be more successful all around the world!

  镇江枫叶凭借集团化办学的优势,在宜地深耕九载,致力于为学生和家长提供更优质的教育服务,通过枫叶的文化底蕴,先进的教育理念,创新的教学模式,师生的共同努力,镇江枫叶获得了丰硕的教学成果,赢得了家长和社会各界的认可。 “创枫叶标准,办世界学校”,2020年9月枫叶教育将会实行枫叶世界学校课程,枫叶教育将会义无反顾的走向世界,拥抱世界!

  Zhenjiang Maple Leaf is committed to provide students and parents with better education services, and has won the recognition of the society with its advances philosophy and creative teaching mode. In September, 2020, maple leaf will implement the world curriculum, which is a new stage for us. Let’s wish maple leaf a bright future!



  Although the coronavirus has an influence on students, the 7th graduation ceremony of MLIS-Zhenjiang is held as scheduled in the school gym, which is important to all the Grade 12 students.


  By June 2nd, 2020, our graduates have received a total of 743 admission letters and 439,000 RMB of scholarship, including 496 letters from the top 100 universities. And there are also 4 graduates who are admitted to 6 top 10 universities in the world.


  There are parents and leaders from the department of education, management committee, social development, and the other schools all coming to share this moment in this meaningful ceremony.


  The ceremony is divided into 3 parts.

  高三毕业生在全场的注目与掌声中,井然有序的进入了会场,展现了枫叶学子的精神面貌。随后,镇江校区总校长周保民先生及加方课程校长Jonathan Hodgson先生为典礼致辞,为毕业生们送上了真挚的祝福和美好的祝愿。

  At first, all the high school graduates came to the stage with the attention and applause from audiences, which showed the Maple Leaf Spirit. And then, headmaster Mr.Zhou and BC principal Mr. Jonathan give us the opening speeches.


  When they accepted the graduation certificate, there was warm applause all around the gym. It is believed that they will make higher achievements in the future. Then, both the principal of Chinese Program and the general counselor announced the excellent gradations name list of Maple Leaf 2020 and gave them awards. There were 10 students in Zhenjiang campus who got the “ Excellent Graduation”.


  The graduations prepared an extremely meaningful present to Zhenjiang maple leaf. And our teachers also expressed our expectations to them. Sometimes the parents cannot notice children’s growth, so in the ceremony, there was also a video prepared for them to watch.


  Next, the representative of the parents also expressed the blessings for their children’s achievement, the gratitude for the school, as well as their great honor for choosing maple leaf. This ceremony can be a promise to ourselves and a reward to parents.


  The maple leafers will come out of school with their dreams, and improve that they have the courage to create miracles. They will be more successful all around the world!

  镇江枫叶凭借集团化办学的优势,在宜地深耕九载,致力于为学生和家长提供更优质的教育服务,通过枫叶的文化底蕴,先进的教育理念,创新的教学模式,师生的共同努力,镇江枫叶获得了丰硕的教学成果,赢得了家长和社会各界的认可。 “创枫叶标准,办世界学校”,2020年9月枫叶教育将会实行枫叶世界学校课程,枫叶教育将会义无反顾的走向世界,拥抱世界!

  Zhenjiang Maple Leaf is committed to provide students and parents with better education services, and has won the recognition of the society with its advances philosophy and creative teaching mode. In September, 2020, maple leaf will implement the world curriculum, which is a new stage for us. Let’s wish maple leaf a bright future!


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