首页 > 华东师范大学附属双语学校 > 新闻动态 > 华师大附属双语学校首届IBDP毕业典礼校长致辞

来源:华东师范大学附属双语学校 发布时间:2021-09-17




四年前,当华师双语新校甫立,我们既没有校舍,也没有IGCSE的准入证,更没有IBDP的offer, 你们中的十三位学生走进了汽车城大厦702办公室,成为了我们高中部的第一批学生。你们中的每一位在入学面试时青涩的举止和懵懂的神情,恍如昨日。四载春秋,安驰路的校园中绽放着你们的青春花蕾,也记录着你们不断前行,蜕变成蝶的所有历程。




这场隆重的毕业典礼意味着你们高中生涯的终点,同时也是你们未来人生的崭新起点。尽管未来是完全未知的,但我坚信,在这四年中,你们已练就了承担的肩膀,踟蹰的毅力和不挠的精神,并对未知充满了热情。你们是26个全然不同的个体,拥有独一无二的思想、精神、气质和才情。临别之时,作为和你们朝夕相处的校长,我有多么骄傲,就有多少不舍。我想寄语 “华师双语”这四个字,对你们提出期望:

一、“植根中华”。无论你们去往哪个国家继续深造,要永远记得你们的根在中国;无论是谁问到你的家乡在哪里,永远要骄傲地回答“中国”!只有找到身份的归属,才能够拥有立身之本,而中华文化是我们中国人的血脉和灵魂,我们要为自己的文化而骄傲。 在你们至少三年“去国怀乡”的求学之路上,一定会渐渐体悟并认同校长的叮咛。



四、“温言慧语”。请不要用犀利的言辞和不经思考的争执作为沟通的方式, “夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争”。须知:无论是在个人还是社会生活中,思想才是最重要的,智慧的表达首先来源于思想。在这个时代,我们很容易说出你不满于什么,但很难说出你思考了什么;社交媒体令我们思考的空间被纷繁的信息所占据,让我们趋向浮躁。你们的人生道路上不可能没有荆棘和艰难,唯有强大自己的思想,方有能力驾驭这条充满不确定的道路。





Today, we delightfully gather for the 2019 IBDP graduation ceremony. First, please allow me, representing all faculty members and students of ECNUAS, to sincerely congratulate the 26 students who are graduating today.

4 years ago, when ECNUAS was just established, with no campus, IGCSE certificate, nor IBDP offer, 13 of you walked into the Auto City Building, room 702, and became our first batch of high school students. I can still remember the scenes and the expressions on your faces during the interviews. In these 4 years, while you were enjoying every moment in our Anchi Rd. campus, it meanwhile witnessed every growth of you, such as conquering courses that were all taught in English, devoting yourselves to social practices, and performing confidently on the stage. Thank you for choosing ECNUAS as your alma mater. Thank you for your four years of persistence and hard-work in the IB Diploma Programme.

Today, our 26 graduates have received altogether 110 offers from universities in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia, including UCSB, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Florida University, Lafayette College, Parsons School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, School of Visual Arts, Toronto University, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, University of Manchester, Kings College London, Sydney University, UNSW Sydney and etc. Their claimed majors range from Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Psychology, Engineering, Finance, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, to Communication, Fashion Design, Animation Design, Art History and more. Furthermore, there are 9 students who have received 17 offers of scholarship, in the total amount of 358,000 US dollars. Congratulations to all outstanding students who have successfully created the history of ECNUAS! I genuinely feel grateful to all parents and faculties who had been supporting and encouraging our students in the past 4 years. Thank you!

This graduation ceremony not only represents the end of your high school life, but also the start of your brand new journey. As 26 completely different individuals, each of you is unique in thoughts, spirits, and talents. Although the future is unknow, I believe your qualities and the skills acquired in the 4 years will empower you to overcome any potential difficulty. With this special opportunity, I hope to express some of my expectations for you, based on the four characters “Hua Shi Shuang Yu” extracted from the name of our school.

1.“Hua”: No matter where you go in the future, it’s important to remember that your roots are in China. Whenever you are asked about your home country, you may answer “China” without hesitation, since it’s crucial to have a place to belong. We should be proud of the Chinese culture that has been coded into our blood and soul. I believe you will gradually understand my suggestion in your coming years studying abroad.

2.“Shi”: Although you belong to the future, the only thing that we are certain about future is its uncertainty. Yet, I’m sure that your generation will become the force that leads us towards a bright future. With the fast changing technology and constantly updated knowledge, you have the opportunity to learn from the whole world. Thus, please always be curious, passionate, and critical. More importantly, keep dreaming and have agency.

3.“Shuang”: Morality is one of the most important qualities every elite should own. Our world needs (morally) good people, with whom it will become better. In particular, moral qualities include but are not restrictive to honesty, kindness, generosity, truth-seeking, and the ability to reflect and therefore to transcend. Essentially, IBO aims to cultivate students around the world that are not only academically excellent, but also morally outstanding. Thus, while you are studying hard, I hope you also prioritize self-development and altruism as life goals.

4.“Yu”: Please do not communicate in sharp and thoughtless ways. In both personal and social life, the most crucial part is your thought, and wise communications only originate from it. Nowadays, it’s easy to express your dissatisfactions, yet it’s difficult to clearly express your thoughts. Summarizing, in a world where social media has filled us with disordered and useless information, only by critically strengthening your thoughts and ideas can you be capable of surviving in a future full of uncertainty and hardship.

Concluding, the four characters, “Hua Shi Shuang Yu”, represent both philosophical thinking of the Chinese culture and the best wishes that ECNUAS has for all of you. I hope the four years in ECNUAS have empowered you with skills, perseverance, courage, and motivation to work for what you believe and realize the future you have been dreaming for. Please also remember that you are forever welcomed by ECNUAS.

Finally, congratulations again on your graduation! Thank you.




四年前,当华师双语新校甫立,我们既没有校舍,也没有IGCSE的准入证,更没有IBDP的offer, 你们中的十三位学生走进了汽车城大厦702办公室,成为了我们高中部的第一批学生。你们中的每一位在入学面试时青涩的举止和懵懂的神情,恍如昨日。四载春秋,安驰路的校园中绽放着你们的青春花蕾,也记录着你们不断前行,蜕变成蝶的所有历程。




这场隆重的毕业典礼意味着你们高中生涯的终点,同时也是你们未来人生的崭新起点。尽管未来是完全未知的,但我坚信,在这四年中,你们已练就了承担的肩膀,踟蹰的毅力和不挠的精神,并对未知充满了热情。你们是26个全然不同的个体,拥有独一无二的思想、精神、气质和才情。临别之时,作为和你们朝夕相处的校长,我有多么骄傲,就有多少不舍。我想寄语 “华师双语”这四个字,对你们提出期望:

一、“植根中华”。无论你们去往哪个国家继续深造,要永远记得你们的根在中国;无论是谁问到你的家乡在哪里,永远要骄傲地回答“中国”!只有找到身份的归属,才能够拥有立身之本,而中华文化是我们中国人的血脉和灵魂,我们要为自己的文化而骄傲。 在你们至少三年“去国怀乡”的求学之路上,一定会渐渐体悟并认同校长的叮咛。



四、“温言慧语”。请不要用犀利的言辞和不经思考的争执作为沟通的方式, “夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争”。须知:无论是在个人还是社会生活中,思想才是最重要的,智慧的表达首先来源于思想。在这个时代,我们很容易说出你不满于什么,但很难说出你思考了什么;社交媒体令我们思考的空间被纷繁的信息所占据,让我们趋向浮躁。你们的人生道路上不可能没有荆棘和艰难,唯有强大自己的思想,方有能力驾驭这条充满不确定的道路。





Today, we delightfully gather for the 2019 IBDP graduation ceremony. First, please allow me, representing all faculty members and students of ECNUAS, to sincerely congratulate the 26 students who are graduating today.

4 years ago, when ECNUAS was just established, with no campus, IGCSE certificate, nor IBDP offer, 13 of you walked into the Auto City Building, room 702, and became our first batch of high school students. I can still remember the scenes and the expressions on your faces during the interviews. In these 4 years, while you were enjoying every moment in our Anchi Rd. campus, it meanwhile witnessed every growth of you, such as conquering courses that were all taught in English, devoting yourselves to social practices, and performing confidently on the stage. Thank you for choosing ECNUAS as your alma mater. Thank you for your four years of persistence and hard-work in the IB Diploma Programme.

Today, our 26 graduates have received altogether 110 offers from universities in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia, including UCSB, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Florida University, Lafayette College, Parsons School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, School of Visual Arts, Toronto University, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, University of Manchester, Kings College London, Sydney University, UNSW Sydney and etc. Their claimed majors range from Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Psychology, Engineering, Finance, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, to Communication, Fashion Design, Animation Design, Art History and more. Furthermore, there are 9 students who have received 17 offers of scholarship, in the total amount of 358,000 US dollars. Congratulations to all outstanding students who have successfully created the history of ECNUAS! I genuinely feel grateful to all parents and faculties who had been supporting and encouraging our students in the past 4 years. Thank you!

This graduation ceremony not only represents the end of your high school life, but also the start of your brand new journey. As 26 completely different individuals, each of you is unique in thoughts, spirits, and talents. Although the future is unknow, I believe your qualities and the skills acquired in the 4 years will empower you to overcome any potential difficulty. With this special opportunity, I hope to express some of my expectations for you, based on the four characters “Hua Shi Shuang Yu” extracted from the name of our school.

1.“Hua”: No matter where you go in the future, it’s important to remember that your roots are in China. Whenever you are asked about your home country, you may answer “China” without hesitation, since it’s crucial to have a place to belong. We should be proud of the Chinese culture that has been coded into our blood and soul. I believe you will gradually understand my suggestion in your coming years studying abroad.

2.“Shi”: Although you belong to the future, the only thing that we are certain about future is its uncertainty. Yet, I’m sure that your generation will become the force that leads us towards a bright future. With the fast changing technology and constantly updated knowledge, you have the opportunity to learn from the whole world. Thus, please always be curious, passionate, and critical. More importantly, keep dreaming and have agency.

3.“Shuang”: Morality is one of the most important qualities every elite should own. Our world needs (morally) good people, with whom it will become better. In particular, moral qualities include but are not restrictive to honesty, kindness, generosity, truth-seeking, and the ability to reflect and therefore to transcend. Essentially, IBO aims to cultivate students around the world that are not only academically excellent, but also morally outstanding. Thus, while you are studying hard, I hope you also prioritize self-development and altruism as life goals.

4.“Yu”: Please do not communicate in sharp and thoughtless ways. In both personal and social life, the most crucial part is your thought, and wise communications only originate from it. Nowadays, it’s easy to express your dissatisfactions, yet it’s difficult to clearly express your thoughts. Summarizing, in a world where social media has filled us with disordered and useless information, only by critically strengthening your thoughts and ideas can you be capable of surviving in a future full of uncertainty and hardship.

Concluding, the four characters, “Hua Shi Shuang Yu”, represent both philosophical thinking of the Chinese culture and the best wishes that ECNUAS has for all of you. I hope the four years in ECNUAS have empowered you with skills, perseverance, courage, and motivation to work for what you believe and realize the future you have been dreaming for. Please also remember that you are forever welcomed by ECNUAS.

Finally, congratulations again on your graduation! Thank you.


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