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大学录取季:第一封大学录取通知书已抵达!The first admission letter

来源:青苗国际双语学校 发布时间:2021-09-07

大学录取季:第一封大学录取通知书已抵达!The first admission letter


  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)的录取通知书!



  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)

  博科尼大学(Bocconi University) 坐落于米兰,不仅拥有意大利最好的商学院,也是意大利获得“三皇冠”认证的唯一一所学院!“三皇冠”认证分别是国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)、欧洲质量发展认证体系(EQUIS)以及工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)的认证,这进一步彰显了该学院卓越的教学质量,巩固了其在欧洲各大名校之中的地位!从这里走出了无数政要、经管学术界大师、企业界大牛,如意大利前总理马里奥·蒙蒂,哈佛大学经济系主任Alberto Alesina,欧元之父Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa,意大利电信集团总裁Marco Patuano等人。


  Pranav同学可谓“根正苗红”的青苗娃——从小学一年级就在青苗就读,如今就读于12年级的他同时也是学校的Head Boy(学生领导团队男生代表)。之所以申请博科尼大学,是因为Pranav 同学一直就非常明确自己未来的学习方向——经济学或者国际关系,在择校时,他优先考虑的都是拥有强大的经济学或者国际关系专业的学校。博科尼大学的经济学专业有世界顶尖级别的口碑,虽然是在意大利,但是大部分课程以英文授课,学生可以直接用IB成绩来申请。





  总之,今年的升学申请才刚刚开始,再次祝贺我们的Pranav 同学已凭借实力为青苗斩获第一份大学录取通知书!目前,Pranav还在专心准备英美其他高校的申请工作,我们预祝他获得更多理想offer的同时,也期待2020年青苗学子再创佳绩,共铸辉煌!


  By the time most overseas universities just started their application season, Pranav of G12, who has been with BIBS since G1, has already received the first offer – Admission Letter from Bocconi University, with full scholarship!

  The Economics and Social Sciences major of Bocconi University ranks number 4 on QS Europe, with worldwide reputation.

  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)

  Bocconi University is located in Milan. It’s not only the best business school of Italy, but also the only Triple Crown certified university in the country. The Triple Crown certification refers to AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, representing the quality of teaching of a university. Bocconi University graduates include many politicians, economics and entrepreneurs, such as former Italian prime minister Mario Monti, Head of Harvard Economics Department Alberto Alesina, the father of euro Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa,and the President of Telecom Italia Marco Patuano.

  01Pranav’s plan

  Pranav started with BIBS since G1, and is now the Head Boy in G12. Pranav always knew he wanted to study in Economics or International Relations, and that’s why Bocconi University became his choice. The Economics Department of Bocconi University holds world class reputation. Although in Italy, most courses are conducted in English, hence students may apply with their IB scores directly.

  Being an Indian citizen, Pranav speaks fluent English. With Bocconi University he gets to learn Italian, which gives him the 4thlanguage in addition to English, Chinese and Hindu. Imagine how much it would help when Pranav works for international organizations such as UN

  02Why so early?

  Why our graduates are already receiving admission letters while most overseas universities just opened application portal? The answer is early planning with our BIBS Guidance Counselling Office. Ever since G11, our guidance counsellors will help all BIBS students list out the universities they are interested.

  Universities have different application windows. Out of the 3 windows of Bocconi, the earliest one starts in April of the previous year. Our guidance counsellors got in touch with the university admission officers, and learnt the application procedure and requirements well in advance.

  The new enrollment season has just begun, and we would like to congratulate Pranav on his admission letter already! Now Pranav is still working on applications for British and US universities. We wish he receives more offer, and that all BIBS 2020 graduates meet their goals!



  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)的录取通知书!



  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)

  博科尼大学(Bocconi University) 坐落于米兰,不仅拥有意大利最好的商学院,也是意大利获得“三皇冠”认证的唯一一所学院!“三皇冠”认证分别是国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)、欧洲质量发展认证体系(EQUIS)以及工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)的认证,这进一步彰显了该学院卓越的教学质量,巩固了其在欧洲各大名校之中的地位!从这里走出了无数政要、经管学术界大师、企业界大牛,如意大利前总理马里奥·蒙蒂,哈佛大学经济系主任Alberto Alesina,欧元之父Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa,意大利电信集团总裁Marco Patuano等人。


  Pranav同学可谓“根正苗红”的青苗娃——从小学一年级就在青苗就读,如今就读于12年级的他同时也是学校的Head Boy(学生领导团队男生代表)。之所以申请博科尼大学,是因为Pranav 同学一直就非常明确自己未来的学习方向——经济学或者国际关系,在择校时,他优先考虑的都是拥有强大的经济学或者国际关系专业的学校。博科尼大学的经济学专业有世界顶尖级别的口碑,虽然是在意大利,但是大部分课程以英文授课,学生可以直接用IB成绩来申请。





  总之,今年的升学申请才刚刚开始,再次祝贺我们的Pranav 同学已凭借实力为青苗斩获第一份大学录取通知书!目前,Pranav还在专心准备英美其他高校的申请工作,我们预祝他获得更多理想offer的同时,也期待2020年青苗学子再创佳绩,共铸辉煌!


  By the time most overseas universities just started their application season, Pranav of G12, who has been with BIBS since G1, has already received the first offer – Admission Letter from Bocconi University, with full scholarship!

  The Economics and Social Sciences major of Bocconi University ranks number 4 on QS Europe, with worldwide reputation.

  博科尼大学(Bocconi University)

  Bocconi University is located in Milan. It’s not only the best business school of Italy, but also the only Triple Crown certified university in the country. The Triple Crown certification refers to AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, representing the quality of teaching of a university. Bocconi University graduates include many politicians, economics and entrepreneurs, such as former Italian prime minister Mario Monti, Head of Harvard Economics Department Alberto Alesina, the father of euro Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa,and the President of Telecom Italia Marco Patuano.

  01Pranav’s plan

  Pranav started with BIBS since G1, and is now the Head Boy in G12. Pranav always knew he wanted to study in Economics or International Relations, and that’s why Bocconi University became his choice. The Economics Department of Bocconi University holds world class reputation. Although in Italy, most courses are conducted in English, hence students may apply with their IB scores directly.

  Being an Indian citizen, Pranav speaks fluent English. With Bocconi University he gets to learn Italian, which gives him the 4thlanguage in addition to English, Chinese and Hindu. Imagine how much it would help when Pranav works for international organizations such as UN

  02Why so early?

  Why our graduates are already receiving admission letters while most overseas universities just opened application portal? The answer is early planning with our BIBS Guidance Counselling Office. Ever since G11, our guidance counsellors will help all BIBS students list out the universities they are interested.

  Universities have different application windows. Out of the 3 windows of Bocconi, the earliest one starts in April of the previous year. Our guidance counsellors got in touch with the university admission officers, and learnt the application procedure and requirements well in advance.

  The new enrollment season has just begun, and we would like to congratulate Pranav on his admission letter already! Now Pranav is still working on applications for British and US universities. We wish he receives more offer, and that all BIBS 2020 graduates meet their goals!


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