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“停课不停学”春藤教师篇——延时开学 品质老师这样做

来源:雅学国际学校招生网 发布时间:2021-08-13

“停课不停学”春藤教师篇——延时开学 品质老师这样做


  During the delay in the opening of schools in the whole country, the city's primary and secondary schools should promptly adjust the future plans for the new semester and quickly carry out online teaching, so as to effectively implement the mission, "Keep teaching, keep studying, and keep researching".


  So we effectively let students stay at home to learn something for anything, and also learn anything for something, then keep an eye on their physical and mental health. Soon, we have got great online “school”, where home and school education was changed with a new milestone.


  According to the online class missions, Class on air and other learning models have been proposed in the special documents of the government. Moreover, the teachers team of the Ivy Experimental Academy in Hefei is stepping up with the fast pace, polishing their own brilliant ideas into practice, and implementing, transforming and harvesting in the expectation of students and parents with a hard-working attitude.


  Now let’s see how teachers and parents talked in the Wechat groups of each class.


  We all know, in that time they should have time with their family, but they chose to study and teach. Their precious time pays back, every minute, struggling on the hard questions, shouldering the important task of educating. They are preparing for the upcoming new semester, and our next generation, too! Indeed it was hard time. But we keep moving and carry on just because they firmly believe: all for the growth of the youth!



  During the delay in the opening of schools in the whole country, the city's primary and secondary schools should promptly adjust the future plans for the new semester and quickly carry out online teaching, so as to effectively implement the mission, "Keep teaching, keep studying, and keep researching".


  So we effectively let students stay at home to learn something for anything, and also learn anything for something, then keep an eye on their physical and mental health. Soon, we have got great online “school”, where home and school education was changed with a new milestone.


  According to the online class missions, Class on air and other learning models have been proposed in the special documents of the government. Moreover, the teachers team of the Ivy Experimental Academy in Hefei is stepping up with the fast pace, polishing their own brilliant ideas into practice, and implementing, transforming and harvesting in the expectation of students and parents with a hard-working attitude.


  Now let’s see how teachers and parents talked in the Wechat groups of each class.


  We all know, in that time they should have time with their family, but they chose to study and teach. Their precious time pays back, every minute, struggling on the hard questions, shouldering the important task of educating. They are preparing for the upcoming new semester, and our next generation, too! Indeed it was hard time. But we keep moving and carry on just because they firmly believe: all for the growth of the youth!


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上一篇:常州威雅学校招生简章及入学测试要求汇总! 下一篇:双语部开展线上教学工作总结暨新学期教学规划会议

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